feat: Move archive folder
feat: Add necessary param for packing Datadir parameter will make easier for later to create the apk.
ref: Build the whole application in one bin To make easier to distribute midr all the binaries will embedded into the final build.
fix: Remove make as requirement Also fix an issue with a removed package
fix: Use wild card to fetch any compression This will make my life easier if I change the compression later. One less place to worry.
fix: Using git to archive Now it uses git to better archive the tar ball. Source: - https://git.sr.ht/~sircmpwn/hub.sr.ht/tree/master/item/.builds/alpine.yml#L25
ref: Move env var Move enviroment variables to the build manifest.
feat: Add build pieces Adding pieces to be able to later build to alpine
ref: Move the yt manager to the worker Simplify the worker/manager relationship. Now the worker is responsible for the managing the yt-dlp process as well. Also introduce chan to report back logs. That is an attempt to decouple things.
feat: Add custom css