feat: Add title and date into the post template Now post template has title and created date by defaul.
fix: Move `musl-dev` to apk `musl-dev` is alpine package not cargo
fix: Add missing package to build Because I moved to `rust:alpine` it is necessary to add `musl-dev` so the build works.
feat: Move code to blog - Move most logic of the blog to blog.rs, making it easier to test. - Now the file contains the creation date of the blog post to be parsed. - Add chrono to parse datetime, so later we can order by date. - Refactor gitlab pipeline, move `before_script` to a proper place.
feat: Add title parser Add title parse so it yields a better post list.
fix(shasso): Fix code format Remove whitespace.
feat: Add testing report Add test report and make it a requiremnt for `production` stage. Also revert all changes from picocss file. It will be refactored and reduced after all the MVP is done.
ref: Add embded rust and router - Use embed rust to load and resolve file from `content/post` folder, so the whole process is a bit more dynamic. - Add router to to resolve the path. It is the first step to try to get the code a bit cleaner.
fix: Pick a broader address bind Trying to fixe the following issue from Heroku: > Error R10 (Boot timeout) -> Web process failed to bind to $PORT > within 60 seconds of launch
fix: Change process type Change heroku procfile process type to web so the process can receive http requet through `POST` envvar.
feat: Add heroku Procfile
feat: Add port env var Now the port can be set through `PORT` enviroment variable, this is useful for deploying on heroku.
fix: Update .gitlab-ci.yml file to install dpl
feat: Add .gitlab-ci.yml file
feat: Add embedded favicon Add embedded base64 favicon
feat: Add early blog implementation It is just a really crappy implementation to get it running until a figure the pieces of the project out.
Initial commit