1<!DOCTYPE html>
2<html data-theme="light" lang="en">
3 <head>
4 <% include!("head.html"); %>
5 </head>
6 <body>
7 <div class="layout">
8 <% include!("header.html"); %>
9 <main>
10 <div class="slim-description">
11 A gathering of information about some things I do on my
12 spare time. You can find me on gitlab, twitter and
13 linkedin.
14 </div>
15 <div class="blog-list">
16 <% for p in &posts { %>
17 <article class="list-item">
18 <div class="post-title">
19 <a href="/posts/<%- p.file %>"><%- p.title %></a>
20 </div>
21 <span classname="data-label"><%- p.datetime | disp %></span>
22 </article>
23 <% } %>
24 </div>
25 </main>
26 </div>
27 </body>