1diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
2index 130e2e4d741bbbdedf0511eea4c568b2c8e6181b..5f9e3690fd4510be27451aae0c5c8403bbac9c14 100644
3--- a/README.md
4+++ b/README.md
5@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ * ~~Alpine package~~[^7] [^8]
6 * Demo site
7 * Single image viewer and show exif info (not sure how yet)
8 * ~~User base root folder~~
9-* Albums
10+* ~~Albums(ish)~~
11 * Testing. Since I still on initial iteration phases I'm not adding as many
12 testing as I'd like to. Once I set on most of the design I'll add more test
13 (is this even done :thinking:).