jnfilter @ master

fix: Some small UI tweaks

This will make the navbar look better on higher resolution screen.
feat: Add option to change feed's metadata
fix: Handle not found better (or at all)

By default go tunnels every request to "/", so I'd need to check for
paths at the podcast handler so I can report not found for anything
other than "/"
feat: Add view to select series
feat: Add more series
feat: Rewrite to golang

I have found a nice lib in go to handle XML so I migrate to it.
Go is ages easier to deploy then python.
fix: Add .gitignore to keep git clean
feat: Move to flask

In my current setup flask is easier to deploy.
FastAPI has not yet hit alpine repositories, and I don't want to
maintain it myself.

Also flask should be more than enough to handle those requests.
feat: Move archive folder
feat: Adiciona tag opcionalmente

Agora para ativar a tag no metadata e preciso passar um _query param_
ref: Add build to publish the readme file

I use `index.html` in another places.
fix: Mexe com o metadata

Messes with metadata to try make some clients detect my feed as a
diferente one.
fix: Ajusta a parta de destino no servidor
feat: Adiocina processo na pipeline para gerar rpm

Esse vai ser a forma padrao de dar deploy no `gabrielgio.me`.
fix: Atualiza o titulo do README.md
fix: Atualiza .gitlab-ci.yml
fix: Atualiza o nome da branch
fix: Atualiza .gitlab-ci.yml file
feat: Adiciona documentacao
Adiciona Nerdtech e Generacast como filtros
Adiciona support para HEAD metodo
Adiciona projeto inicial