feat: New post about running alpine in memory
fix: Chose a more generic fonts Make sure it works on every device.
feat: Change code snippet style
feat: Add ssh config
feat: Change chroma theme
chore: Remove unused folder
feat: Add one more source to openring
ref: Add more info to the alpine seteup
feat: Finish alpine setup
ref: Reduce link size to remove side scroll
feat: Add draft for how to setup alpine
ref: Add project apk tag
ref: Move project link from gitlab to sr.ht
ref: Add apk tag to project I'll be adding more of those to each project as I'm working on them.
feat: Add more findings to the firefly install Add more content to firefly post. Also deleted road to k8s as I have no intention to pursue that project any longer.
ref: Add more content Add how to set up debug page and set up properlly the permission for the process.
ref: Add new post Add a new post about how to set up firefly on alpine linux.
ref: Move jnfilter links to sr.ht
ref: Move project link to sr.ht
ref: Move to https to avoid redirections The server is set up to redirect from http to https call causing some links jumps to be redirected.
feat: Move host of cv.pdf Now introducing the new artifacts server.
feat: Add openring feed Add a nice way to suggest some feed I interested in.
fix: Types and datetime
fix: Typo
feat: Add new post about shortcutting on fish
feat: Remove fonts and update get in contact info Remove unused webfonts. Also move main means of contact to email.
feat: Move from gitlab to sr.ht pipeline
ref: Move from orgmode to markdown I'll never ever again move away from markdown. fix: Move to http ... until I add a certificate
fix: Move from icon to text It was using FA, now it is text.
Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.com:gabrielgio/gabrielgio
ref: Make site faster Some changes to make the site load faster: * remove custom font * romove some unused scss * remove unused scss include * embed css into the header * remove FA icons
fix: Typos
feat: Add new project Add description for hub watcher project.
fix: Fix readme me link Readme link was, for some reason, pointing to its own gitlab repo.
Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.com:gabrielgio/gabrielgio
ref: Update genpass prject description Add detail about the rust implementation.
feat: Add projects page Add a list of software I have finish and use on my day to day life.
ref: Move fa to static file Move to 5.x and all files are now local in the static folder.
ref: Bump fa version and fix missing ICON Upgrade from 4.x to 6.x fa version to add missing external link icon.
ref: Change resume icon Change from pdf to external link for make it clearer.
feat: Remove unused theme
feat: Add cv to tab
Fix missing ' 2020-12-28-k8s-private-registry.org
Add new log
feat: New post
fix: Add missing package to dnf install
fix: Typo
Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.com:gabrielgio/gabrielgio
fix: Fix genpass date
feat: Add log for gitlab pages Just a small explanation how to publish lein cljs into Gitlab pages.
Remove custom fonts
Add privacy page
Add missing package
Add new log How to access fritzbox settings with DHCP turned off.
Add some network material
Add initial draft to local k8s
Add lastmod tag to log page
Add log and some others small fixes
Add ansible part 2
Update to org mode syntax
Readd resources
Add minify
Remove tracking and fix rss icon
Disbale `.GitInfo` until I figure out how to keep `.git` folder in Gitlab's pipeline process.
Disbale `.GitInfo` until I figure out how to keep `.git` folder in Gitlab's pipeline process.
Change gitlab pipeline strategy so hugo can find `.git` folder
Adds two pages from previous jekyll project
Fix base url hostname
Demo file
Moving from jekyll to hugo
fix: Move urls from github to gitlab * As I'm moving all my stuff from github to gitlab, I'm updating the links of the tutorials. * Update the domain to the `.me` domain.
fix: Add gemfile so Gitlab can compile it Signed-off-by: gabrielgio <gabriel.giovanini@pm.me>
Delete CNAME
Add .gitlab-ci.yml
Fix typo
Fix typo
Ansible part 2
fu*** myself
fu*** ide
Add ansible-pull part 1
Update first post
Update information
Update information
Rollback theme
Clean up a bit
Jekyll support
Move to docs
Add index
Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.com:gabrielgio/gabrielgio
Merge branch 'revert-735a7d73' into 'master' Revert "Remove custom fonts" See merge request gabrielgio/gabrielgio!1
Revert "Remove custom fonts" This reverts commit 735a7d73571f859d66a15611ced9e5bad97e94ce
fix: Wording.
ref: Update hub-watcher link