@ 35c755fdfe2962f2211c77f52531fe5881d96c40

Disbale `.GitInfo` until I figure out how to keep `.git` folder in Gitlab's
pipeline process.
Disbale `.GitInfo` until I figure out how to keep `.git` folder in Gitlab's
pipeline process.
Change gitlab pipeline strategy so hugo can find `.git` folder
Adds two pages from previous jekyll project
Fix base url hostname
Demo file
Moving from jekyll to hugo
fix: Move urls from github to gitlab

* As I'm moving all my stuff from github to gitlab, I'm updating the 
links of the tutorials.
* Update the domain to the `.me` domain.
fix: Add gemfile so Gitlab can compile it

Signed-off-by: gabrielgio <>
Add .gitlab-ci.yml
Update CNAME
Changing theme
Setting layout
Set theme jekyll-theme-minimal
Adds post about emacs
Ansible part 2
Add ansible-pull part 1
Update first post
Update information
Update information
Rollback theme
Clean up a bit
Set theme jekyll-theme-cayman
Set theme jekyll-theme-hacker
Jekyll support
Move to docs
Set theme jekyll-theme-hacker
Create CNAME
Add index