@ acf5f44cba664debef95e1275dd26c5679e6e357

fix: Move from icon to text

It was using FA, now it is text.
 1diff --git a/content/projects/ b/content/projects/
 2index efede88f9e9a4876ac90c92684a2a889db1b6117..3195403063fd9b557d9807a5e1cbef452cf82099 100644
 3--- a/content/projects/
 4+++ b/content/projects/
 5@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 6 Just a list of some projects I have done and find useful on my day-to-day life.
 8 -   [Hub Watcher]( 
 9-    [<i class="fab fa-gitlab"></i>](
10+    [[gitlab](]
12     A small project to monitor changes in a docker image from [docker
13     hub]( By default every 5 minutes it will fetch the
14@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@     custom nextcloud image everytime Nextcloud GmbH updates their image.
16 -   [Reddit to Nextcloud
17     importer](
18-    [<i class="fab fa-gitlab"></i>](
19+    [[github](]
21     A small project that monitors user\'s saved posts on reddit, downloads its
22     media and uploads to a nextcloud instance. 
23@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@     folder and upload files to nexcloud instance.
25 -   [Filter for Nerdcast
26     (pt-BR)](
27-    [<i class="fab fa-gitlab"></i>](
28+    [[gitlab](]
30     Just a small podcast filter to remove and/or split a feed from
31     [Nerdcast]( into different segments.
32@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@     project just helps to clean up so only the segment you want shows up on you
33     podcast client.
35 -   [Password generator](
36-    [<i class="fab fa-gitlab"></i>](
37+    [[gitlab](]
39     It started with me having fun with clojure script ([last
40     commit](