apkbuilds @ 3a981c0912f4e229e5a11c97230d2f57d1f01c3c

fix: Remove extra whitespace
chore: Update jnfilter
chore: Update jnfilter
chore: Update filter
fix: Add missing package for reddit-nextcloud-importer
feat: Add meta package for nextcloud

It will help me to keep some configuration versioned.
feat: Upgrade to 3.19
feat: Add reddit-importer
chore: Update lens
fix: Add instruction to enable repository
fix: Add missing dependency
chore: Add invidious
chore: Update lens
chore: Update lens
chore: Remove fileserver caddyfile
chore: Update lens
feat: Add entry point caddy file
feat: Add caddyfile
ref: Use newer apkdoc cli params
chore: Update apkdoc
chore: Update lens
chore: Update alpine
chore: Update lens
chore: Update apkdoc
chore: Update jnfilter
fix: Trigger package creation again

This should trigger a new versio of the package they may remove `dirty`
status of the repo.
feat: Add step to publish apkdoc
chore: Update package
chore: Update lens
ref: Add option to change the user
chore: Update lens
chore: Update lens
chore: Update lens
chore: Update lens
fix: Fix white spacing

Psql connection string as being passed as many parameters instead as one
string, quoting fixed the issue.
fix: Add proper make dependencies
feat: Add quicktemplate qtc bin
chore: Update documentation
chore: Remove added package

Some package were added to the 3.18 and no longer need to be here.
feat: Add missing dependency
chore: update alps
fix: Move chown setup

I don't know if this is the proper way to do it but it will make easier
to build it.
fix: Correct folder struct

Now it links the folder to the right place with the proper permission.
feat: add initial photoview APKBUILD
feat: Add dlib

This will later be used by photoview
chore: Update prometheus-postgres-exporter
chore: Update py3-jsonpickle
feat: Add firefly3 config folder

Now the env file is linked to the to the etc folder.
feat: Readd repository
feat: Remove repo for bootstraping
chore: Update alpine version of my branch
fix: Update alpine version
chore: Update version on README
chore: Remove jellyfin and add alps
feat: Add jnfilter package
feat: Update version
fix: Fix remote path

Remote path should follow repo alpine version and arch
feat: Add ssh configuration
feat: Add tres package

Add tres static website.
fix: Add jellyfin again
feat: Update archive folder
feat: Add prometheus-postgres-exporter
ref: Remove unnecessary packages

Some package have made into the community repository on 3.17, so there
is no need to keep them.
ref: Rename tag

Just removing the source hut part of the tag to match the repo.
feat: Update packages
fix: Fix firefly location and permission

Firefly was being copied into the wrong folder with root permission.
Now it is on `www` which is what I use for it.
feat: Finish firefly APKBUILD

Add dependencies and subpackages' dependencies.
feat: Add initial APKBUILD for firefly3
docs: Update apk info
feat: Remove unused arch

I have no use for something other than x86_64
docs: Add reference to projects included
feat: Add jellyfin

Add jellyfin to avoid importing the whole edge repo.
ref: Update openrc files

Cleaning up the initd and confd files to make easier to setup and run
multi service.
fix: Update service to support extended service
ref: update reddit-nextcloud-importer
ref: remove unnecessary logs
feat: update gallery-dl
feat: Add yt-dlp edge package
ref: update list of packages
ref: Update readme to point to the right folder
fix: fix env var not being an env var
fix: rename folder to match package's name

This makes the whole thing a bit easier
fix: Use local alpine to look for apks

Sourcehut's pkgkit was assuming that the remote server was alpine, thus
running apk command to rewrite the remote alpine APKINDEX. This won't
work on my setup since I have a fedora server (for now).
feat: remove repo from path name

For my setup there is no need to have repo in the path.
feat: fix remote pathing
feat: shamelessly copy pkgkit from sr.ht-apkbuilds

Copy some code from sourcehut's alpine build[0] to build my own

[0]: https://git.sr.ht/~sircmpwn/sr.ht-apkbuilds
feat: Fix importer checksum
feat: Add gallery-dl

Adds gallery-dl from testing branch so I don't have to include it in the
build process.
feat: add openrc for importer
feat: Add reddit-nextcloud-importer
feat: Add nextcloud-api-wrapper
feat: Remove seafile

This project has been a pain to compile, and the documentation is quite
lacking, so for now I'm gonna stick with Nextcloud.
feat: Add some dependencies of seafile

Add initial setup for dependencies of seafile server
ref: Add list of available apk
feat: Add configuration for nginx

Add an extra pkg to build the nginx file.
fix: Add repo properly
fix: Move to web install

Nothing better than executing script from random place in the  internet.
feat: Add genpass apk build
fix: Add strongly recommended dependency

yt-dlp strongly recommend to install ffmpeg for many tasks.
fix: Use proper path/user setups
fix: Add missing dependency
ref: Add how to setup on README
feat: Add working build

For now it only builds a single project ... as there is only one project to be build.
feat: Update midr version
feat: Add initial commit to build midr